Saturday, October 17, 2009

the is a mushing...... brain is turning to mush....just does not work like it used do I know this....well all I have to do is look at the online games I play with other people....they are all word games....and my opponents are killing me....they usually is the margin they win by that has brain is mushing....... So why is this happening....well I think I have been a little distracted would think that by the time the fourth grandchild enters the world, it would not be a big deal....but it is and was....mostly because my daughter always has interesting pregnancies....never the same way twice.... I am incredibly fortunate that we live within a few miles of each other....and that means that I can help with the kids or run errands....or whatever.... I know some people would not consider that a good thing....but I am very thankful for this opportunity. I grew up on the mission field ....that meant that I did not see my relatives very often. I wanted to be a part of my daughter's life....I wanted to see the children grow....I wanted them to know me....and they do.....and when they see me....and run to me and throw their arms around heart turns to mush mushy brain and mushy heart....yep...that's me. Next week, my husband and I will take the older two kids to the beach with us......we missed our annual family vacation this fell too close to the newest birth....and usually is a grand family affair with daughter and family and son-in-law's parents.....we all look forward to spending that time together at the beach. My granddaughter refers to the newest addition as "the reason we didn't go to the beach this year" is a very important event for my husband surprised me with the idea of a long weekend at the beach.....latter than usual....but who cares about is the beach....the sounds....the smells.....the food.....and the opportunity to include the two oldest grandkids......not our regular event.....but a mini we will be ready for next year......can't wait.....for next Thursday....or next is good....

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