Saturday, November 7, 2009

thanksgiving comes early...

I'm starting my Thanksgiving celebration early this year. After spending the last ten days in a hospital room, watching my husband recover from emergency surgery, I am feeling very thankful.....for life....and the soft sounds of my husband snoring our is good....and I'm thankful. The very first thing I am thankful for is that this ordeal did not begin until we were on our way home from a short beach vacation with the two oldest grand kids. The time spent with them was so special....something that I will treasure always.... I am thankful for the excellent care we received in our small town hospital....sometimes we think bigger is better....not me....I'll take small town care any day..... I'm thankful for the nurses who worked and worked over my husband on the really bad days.....and for the ones who gave me a hug when I needed it most..... I'm thankful for my daughter and sister who brought food to me at the hospital...I could not deal with food....or where it was going to come from.....I'm thankful for the friend who took me out to eat while her husband sat with mine.....I'm thankful for my mom who sat with me for hours at a time.... for my son-in-law's dad (we just call him our brother-in-law) who stopped everyday on his way home from work and would sit quietly in the room with him and conversation was not necessary.... I am thankful for our church family who visited...I'm thankful for the men that my husband works with who came by daily and encouraged him......I'm thankful for all the friends who kept in touch through Face book and for the prayers they prayed....we made it home....and I am so is good and above all.....God is good.....I give Him all the credit....

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